The original words of Phanes, tirelessly carved into a slab of "No'".

The State of Tenta

Day 3

My home office has been basically transformed into a war room.

As I was planning it and building it out, it occurred to me that the last two years of my life were hallmarked by perpetually not giving myself enough time to plan for my personal and nonprofit projects.  I’ve been trying to do too many things at a time and not completing any of them.


I will complete every project I ever started.  I will complete them well.  I will complete them in a planned fashion.  That is all.

C++ Refresh -> Tenta Rewrite -> Examplar Prep

As I’m refreshing on C++ syntax and design patterns for the Tenta rewrite, one thing is clear:

C++ development is very, very slow.

Examplar, also written in C++, is intended to be done after completion of the tenta client as I found that I had some gaps in my knowledge of the language necessary to complete it, and I did not use a sane design process around either tool due to lack of time during the early stages of both projects.

It’ll be worth going back through the motions though.  I want Examplar and Tenta to both be a single binary, a single config, and in the case of Tenta, a systemd unit target packaged up nicely and only relying on the C++ runtime.

With Tenta complete, I will rewrite Nerve, which will be substantially easier to rewrite, and then I will complete Examplar.

Examplar will be branded independently from SURRO Linux but will be a driving component during the early milestones.

Apologies to the SURRO Linux team for taking so long with this, I’ve been up to my ears in work this year.  Documentation is in draft.

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The Personal Blog of Chris Punches