The original words of Phanes, tirelessly carved into a slab of "No'".

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Artificial Food

Our Food Sucks, and it’s caused by Liars

So as it turns out, when you buy food at the grocery store, what you are purchasing is not your grandfather’s food.

A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent; iron levels 37 percent; vitamin A levels 21 percent, and vitamin C levels 30 percent. A similar study of British nutrient data from 1930 to 1980, published in the British Food Journal,found that in 20 vegetables the average calcium content had declined 19 percent; iron 22 percent; and potassium 14 percent. Yet another study concluded that one would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one.

Causes contributing to this generally center around:

  • soil depletion
  • global-scale overproduction
  • corporate control over the genes of the plants used for crops

Yeah, so, as it turns out, when we introduced *GMOs to the world, we did it primarily through a company previously known as Mansanto, until it was bought by a larger company called Beyer. Mansanto’s profit strategy included:

  • Genetic engineering and genome editing — using modified viruses designed to splice a gene from what is often not a related plant or animal into an organism. (*This is what people are really talking about when they complain about “GMOs” — what many bootlickers and unethical propagandists do is claim that this is on the same level of safety and precedent as cross-breeding two plant crops, or selecting seeds for the next year’s crop by using selection criteria that provides larger yields as we’ve been doing for thousands of years longer than the advent of the field of genetics. It is not the same as these farming practices, they know it is not, and they say this anyway because they are shitty people who want to sound smart more than they want to be accurate, and this serves as a constant detractor from very legitimate concerns people have over this practice by drowning them out with knowing lies in the public dialog – they somehow do this while virtue signaling).
  • Patenting the resulting modified organism and becoming the only providers of the seeds.
  • Suing farmers when their modified organism is found in their crops.
  • Dropping seeds around farming properties who don’t buy from them to facilitate that litigation.

It was remarkably successful. This introduction became the dominant source of most products you buy in the supermarket today. This allows a couple of companies to control the genetic profile of almost all food in the global food supply chain to the point that, as of the time of this writing, it’s almost impossible to avoid eating organisms modified in this manner. Even if you make your own bread, the flour you buy at the store to make it contains these products. You’d have to find wild wheat or corn, genetically analyze it to ensure it isn’t a windblown GMO, grow a crop of it, and then mill it to get one loaf.

There have, to date, been no cross-generational impact studies performed for regular consumption of GMOs prior to them becoming the dominant presence in the global food supply chain, propagandized as safe by the same people that told you and your parents that consuming fat is a leading contributor to obesity, that margarine was good for you, that aspartame was a safe alternative to sugar, that eggs and potatoes are bad for you– the same people that brought the fictitious “food pyramid” to your schools.

In some cases, the GMOs that made Mansanto famous create crops that produce their own pesticide internally. Some variants are also very resistant to pesticides that many farmers already spray on their crops (It’s a pesticide called “RoundUp”, also sold by Mansanto) to prevent yield loss from bugs eating into the crops. Because these crops are more resistant to insects and pesiticides they tend to take over an area and choke out the farm-managed versions of those crops that they were designed to replace (they are what some people call “an invasive species”). They also are modified to not produce seeds, and where unable or when that genetic mechanism fails, litigation ensues if the farmer collects seeds to replant the next year from their own crop — they need to purchase those seeds from the company that designed, owns, and sells those organisms’ patented genes.

Their strategy was one of necessity: The farmers often didn’t want genetically engineered crops, and most intelligent people didn’t either. Not at that scale. But, between the widespread litigation of farmers, and the paid marketing, it’s become mainstream, and then people who do research on youtube filled in the gaps with mainstream audiences. It’s amazing what money can do to low information leftists’ realities.

As to soil depletion, since we’ve overcommercialised farming to keep up with growing populations, we’ve stopped rotating crops as well which replenishes vital nutrients in the soil, so, the growing plants are bigger from being fake, and drawing less nutrients out of the ground because of last year’s crop.

The problem, at the end of the day, is that there are just too many people on the Earth. There’s no good solution to that, but among those that rank among the best, none of them involve paying those squirrels who are just chasing nuts with no regard for the impact of their work on the world to keep degrading the food that’s already there — for everyone that is currently alive and will live after us.

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The Personal Blog of Chris Punches