The original words of Phanes, tirelessly carved into a slab of "No'".

Packages, Winter, and Progress

It’s been a busy couple of weeks.


I’ve decided to rough it out outside of Cincinnati for another year without moving. I don’t want to take the chance if anything goes wrong or shifts, so, I’m spending the next year or so getting ready to hop. It’ll probably be Pensacola when I do. I need to make sure I’m buffered against anything. It came down to “try it now and take a chance” or “try it next year and come out strong”.

Dark Horse Pivot

The package manager design went well. It’s called DPM. I was able to knock out a rough specification at and it’s ready to start implementation.

I’m trying to decide if I should pivot back to Argonaut since it has financial implications or if I should do a round of development on DPM.


I’ve developed an extreme intolerance to cold over the years. These winters are getting pretty rough.

A big theme of the next year needs to be a re-focus on physical fitness.


2025 is going to be a more delicate year than the last few previous years.

We’re facing total economic and political collapse across our country.

I’m getting older and the careful dancing around others’ insecurities and egos is burdensome and requires alot of energy for people like me — mentally and physically. I don’t take enough downtime to recover and just stay burned out, which actually is a loop that feeds into itself, and I’ll have to address it later in the year.

I’ve overcommitted on projects. I’ve made investments that I’d be a little smarter to question based on actual yield and not potential yield. It’s important to always give more than you get back, but there’s a limit, and I have to care about myself sometimes.


Argonaut needs rethought. The data model I’m using isn’t going to provide the results I want. I’m thinking of moving to minute-by-minute training data over the course of 20 days. That’ll change 700 data points per symbol into 9600 per symbol. I don’t know if that’s going to work on current hardware even with the advancements I made last year. I’m curious what the results look like with a shorter training window of about 5 days.

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The Personal Blog of Chris Punches